Want to help? You can be part of the success of FiddlyNess!
There are SO many things to do to make a camp happen! Pitching in can be fun and rewarding, and every bit of volunteer effort adds to the energy and excitement of the camp.
Here are some possibilities. If you feel inspired, please let us know what you would like to do. (Use the contact form below, and please reach out as soon as you can - early planning is always best).
Welcoming committee: First time at camp can be a bit intimidating. Nothing says "Welcome!" like a friendly face to greet you when you arrive and help you get settled in. This is a job for experienced FiddlyNess-ers!
Dishwasher wrangler: The camp kitchen relies on everyone who eats there to take a turn washing up. That takes a bit of organising, to make sure shifts are filled. This is a job for someone who is not taking music lessons! (A big thank-you to Amanda for taking this on!)
Kids activities: Children need more than music lessons to fill their day! Got a great craft, game or other activity that you would like to share one day? Please tell us about it!
Daily announcements: Do you feel at home behind a mic? If effectively and enjoyably conveying important information to a crowd (each morning after breakfast, say) is your jam, then we need to have a chat!
Runners (AKA 'go-fers!'): Especially on setup day (Monday) and throughout the camp
Pre-camp work bee in Saskatoon: Pack swag bags and other organisational chores
Videographer: Take videos and photos around camp for future promotional use
Friday Camp Cleanup: Packing, cleaning, tidying
There will be a range of other chances to pitch in: jam instigators, videographers, special projects.... Check back on this page for updates.
Meanwhile, please fill in the form below to tell us how we can put you to work! (or call Neil at 3 0 6 - 2 4 0 - 4 9 6 7)